
The entire curriculum, academic or extracurricular is designed around the MI theory. The syllabus, indoor and outdoor activities are planned strategically to incorporate the eight intelligences. As we sincerely believe that each child is unique, we provide a diverse learning platform for each student.
The day at KenBridge, begins with a peaceful mind practicing yogic mudras, chanting the ‘Gayatri Mantra’ along with the eye exercises. This boosts our children with positive energy, rendering a calm and peaceful mind to work better throughout the day.
The academic tutorials are coupled with activity sessions. The day’s curriculum is proportionately divided among academics, academic related activities, co-curricular activities and support activities. Theme based curriculum is followed in the Kindergarten section to promote actual learning in an interesting way.

Curriculum: I-V
KenBridge School follows the CBSE curriculum in content and an integrated curriculum based approach and learning process in the classroom. At KenBridge School Kota, experiences are designed to stimulate learning in all areas-physical, social, emotional and intellectual. Children are taught basic skills through a need based curriculum designed by a committed, trained and experienced faculty.
The teaching methodology is student centric and activity based. Lesson concepts are taught through Multiple Intelligence (MI) based strategies. We recognize the merits of an activity based teaching approach that challenges and stimulates the intellect.

Curriculum: VI-X
The school’s assessment is based broadly on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation and includes co-curricular activities. Formative and summative assessment is scheduled in the calendar. The assessment patterns, tools and report cards ensure compliance with the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation.